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ACTECH Cribas inclinadas y horizontales y plantas de criba

Actech puede proporcionar una amplia variedad de equipos de cribado de agregados y orgánicos para satisfacer sus necesidades; Los estilos incluyen cribas y alimentadores horizontales, inclinados, de trómel y vibratorios.

Actech triple shaft horizontal screens 

Our Horizontal screens are available in 6x20, 7x20 and 8x20 sizes in both 2 deck and 3deck. 

They are the same triple shaft design that you have used from other US manufacturers and use interchangeable parts bearings and gears. They are manufactured in north America and use all standard bolts and utilize the same screen panel sizes as other domestic brands.  They come standard with all springs, motor mount, drive pullies and subframe. 

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